"Is this genuine" Request


Due to the continuous number of requests asking whether X or Y is genuinely signed, I have decided to open this "corner". THIS WOULD ONLY BE FOR BTS SIGNED ITEMS as I only know so well their signatures and not for other groups. Given the fact that 95% of the requests I receive are for BTS (thanks to the BTS article I wrote), I believe this won't bother anyone too much.

HOWEVER, I used to charge 20cents for the request, I have decided to switch to a completely FREE system, which consists in YOU helping me out with MYMUSICTASTE by making a taste:
Click on the link (if you don't have an account, create one, and if you want set your location to Paris if you plan to never use this website again, and then click again THIS specific link)
Click on "MAKE THIS CAMPAIGN" (on the page you must see a "invited campaign" logo)
✿ Add whichever random number for "How much are you willing to pay for this event" (even if you aren't interested in the slightest)
✿ Submit
✿ And you're done! You just have to give me your username and I'll double check if you did submit it :)
✿ Even if you're not European, I don't care  

(Yes it's Day6, but they're my second favorite group after BTS, and you know we'll never be able to achieve perks with BTS - just please make a happy girl ;w;)

Some of you might be outraged by the fact that I am asking for such thing, but I have received a lot of emails/comments/heck even messages on eBay about asking whether something is genuine, and the only solution I have found to reduce all those messages would be to charge, I am not charging $$$ but a small service, which will show me how determined you are, as previously when I answered people, I rarely received a thank you, and it is irritating to be just "used", as if it was my duty to do this for everyone.

How to proceed? Okay, so you are willing to do the steps said previously, here are the steps to make everything go smoothly:
✿ Do the steps said before
✿ After sending the amount, please email me with the links/pictures you wish me to tell you if they are genuine. I will only answer if you mention your MMT username (you can also add a screenshot of the "MAKE COMPLETE" if you want. Emails will be ignored otherwise.
✿ I will try my best to answer within the next 72 hours, if I don't answer, it could be because your email has been in the spam inbox; so please leave a comment here if I don't answer after 72 hours!
Please a little of courtesy, it is always more enjoyable to read a "hello", "thank you", rather than "can u tell me if this is legit X Y W Z links ??????".

DISCLAIMER: I am just a fan, not a specialist, I am a human being and there are chances that I could be wrong, you are basically paying for a "service", a "help", if you trust me, you can accept my advise, otherwise don't ask.

Not sure if anyone would even pay for this but I will link anyone who asks me the legitimacy of their item of interest, and hopefully this will reduce the influx of messages asking such things, and save my time.

Thank you!


  1. Hi,
    Even though this is only for BTS signed items, can you check if my SNSD autograph is real if I pay you? The reason is because I bought an SNSD autograph off ebay and I'm worried since the Tiffany autograph looks a bit off. I don't care if there are chances that you might be wrong as long as if you check if my autograph is real or not. Thanks.

  2. Hello, I am HallyuSuperstore selling on Ebay and I sent you a letter. Could check your email. Thank you.

  3. Hello, I need help with exo signatures. If you can't help me, can you tell me who should I contact, if you know someone? Thank you for helping us!

  4. Hello can you help me for bts - HER signed album? Give me your email or your line please

  5. Hello! I hope you are having a good day!! I was just wondering before I send the money if you are still doing this?

    1. Yes :) I am answering this late because I don't really check the blog comments, but I am always available by email

  6. Hi! I sent an email a few days ago but hasn’t received a reply yet. Maybe her email got sent to your spam mailbox? Thanks for all the articles!!

    1. Hi, you sent it on the 24th and I answered you on the 27th right?

  7. Hello!
    Thank you, SO MUCH, for all of this information! I sent you an email!

  8. WOW!! Sent an email and received a reply within the hour.... Just amazing!!!

  9. Hello�� I emailed you on 3 March, could you check your email please? Thank you��

  10. Hey! Are you still doing this? Thanks!

  11. hey, are you still doing this? Thank you:)

  12. Hi, are you still doing this? I would love to get in touch if so! 💜
