

If you landed here, you must have felt bored? Here, some of my lousy writing and explanation.

What is exactly "Cafarnaum Box"? "Cafarnaum" comes from "CapharnaĆ¼m", a French word with the signification of "a place where objects are in big quantity and in disorder", hence a mess. This word is not very used in everyday life, but I really liked its mystical sound and just twicked the spelling to my taste. So my blog is basically my box of mess, not being a very literature person, my writing might sound messy and not the best! 

Why did I start this blog? On a summer day, while dying of heat, and having no real aim of what to do of my day, I decided to start a blog to write about stuff that may help others. I had a blog where I wrote reviews of the mangas I've read, kept it for a good year, but motivation left me as it felt more like a chore. I am the type of person who feels satisfaction when helping out others, so starting out this blog would make me more useful to this world. Through reading, and logic, I have managed to acquire knowledge that would be useful to the rest of the community. I wanted to write articles on a not so regular basis (due to my very irregular schedule) - and I could always quit this blog without it affecting anyone as my blog entries don't need a "follow-up".

Me? I am a half asian half white person out there - which explains a bit why I was always more open culturally? - , who would prefer to keep her identity as anonymous a possible from the public place that the internet is, as I am a student in university - and being as irresponsible as I am for liking Kpop is not something positively viewed by the world!

Anyway hope you like my blog!